Team Sky have once again demonstrated that a carefully planned and executed strategy can lead to a prosperous outcome. 

Incredibly, 5 years ago, a British rider had never won the Tour de France 5. It has since been dominated by Dave Brailsford's Team Sky. 

A lot can be learned by any business from the execution of this team, most importantly every possible gain is squeezed from the entire setup. Whether that is coaching, training, nutrition, sleeping, transportation or the team selection. This year's team selection appeared overlooked by most teams however Sky opted for 5 dedicated climbers to reflect the course profile. This is what Dave Brailsford calls Marginal Gains.

In any content strategy marginal gains can be utilised, I find the most successful organisations will utilise their entire team to not just showcase their expertise but also leverage their networks to distribute the entire firms wealth of knowledge. A simple example is using your product, sales and marketing team to extend your content across their social/professional networks as opposed to just the corporate account. 

The content strategy is certainly another area Team Sky win every year, this year showcasing their preparation through #miniteamsky.