If you have not seen Think With Google before I highly recommend reviewing it for marketing trends, data, research and opinion. 

The term Employee Advocacy is widely used across industries and relates to the promotion of the organisation by its staff members. In technology this  usually relates to a platform that enables employees to share content (this is part of our product). 

This really is a no-brainer with 71% of b2b buyers starting their buying process with a generic search online. Surely increasing the probability of being found and driving the potential buyer to your site is worth doing? 

As the article below states influence on buying decisions comes from all tiers of your organisation. Simply making your most senior leaders the only voice of a firm will decrease the firms chances of winning new business in the long term.

This trend is leading to an increase in content being distributed and therefore differentiating yourself is key. The most effective way to do this is through authenticity and communicating directly with the right people.