In another excellent podcast by Bowery Capital, Dave Govan who is VP Sales at Hitachi Vantara explains the importance of 'team selling' when it comes to enterprise selling. 

This is certainly a topic that resonates with me and how you can include content creation by your team as part of the plan to manage and win the opportunity. At 8 minutes 45 seconds Dave describes what I believe is the true value of executing team selling as it demonstrates to the buyer:

  • The vendor really cares about my business
  • A demonstration to the buyer of the range of experts within the business

Dave talks about the need to ‘map the power base’ and understand who the stakeholders are before assigning your own team to man-mark these individuals (my colleague, Freddy in Client Success, has put together a very intuitive stakeholder mapping template here). 

As the quarterback, running the plays, you can then work with each colleague to look at influencing these key individuals. This might be through physical events, mutual connections, emails or phone calls. Another suggestion and process I see work well for me and with our clients (like Hitachi) is to create a relevant, personalised, value add piece of content that is then shared with them in the most appropriate manner. 

This how we see this working at scale (more information here):